The De Beauvoir Block's 'Awe Walk' mural
My designs on De Beauvoir Block's panels are inspired by the bright colours, playful shapes and striking patterns of plants and nature found in every corner of De Beauvoir Town.
Curiosity and the quest for the quiet details in our spaces create ‘awe’ in all of us – something we need in our busy lives. It stimulates wonder, an emotion which drives happiness and creativity, lowers stress, quietens negative feelings and calms our heart.
The designs are a celebration of the nature and green spaces in our community. I began my research by photographing trees, leaves, berries, branches and seeds, as well as taking careful cuttings. I then scanned my findings to explore the interesting combinations of shapes and unusual patterns to guide my creations.
The mural hopes to inspire people to pause for a moment on their walks and to appreciate the joyful details that surround us. From the starburst of black seed pods clustered on Fatsia Japonica (also known as Castor Oil plant) around De Beauvoir Square, to the golden leaves of the Ginkgo tree on Northchurch Road.
As part of the project, passersby can scan a QR code on the board to download my 'Awe Walk' guide to help spark their imagination. Scroll below to download yours as a PDF which you can follow on your next walk.​

Photograph by Joel Rodriguez

Photograph by Joel Rodriguez

Photograph by Joel Rodriguez

Click the red PDF button below to download your free 'Awe Walk' Guide